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On Tuesday 8th February 2022, Volunteers for International Medical Aid (VIMA), a Non-Governmental Organization, commissioned and handed over a newly constructed library to Saviefe Gbedome community.

Mr. Francis K. Agbemafle Founder and Executive Director of VIMA, speaking at the commissioning of the project said the library, equipped with books and computers connected to the Internet, is one of the achievements of the VIMA organization to empower children through education. He indicated that the willingness of the community to donate land for the construction of the project inspired them and the donors to raise the needed resources to build the library.

According to him, the world is now in their palms to research new ways of doing things, be innovative and creative in their adventures, acquire new vocabularies and find simple but sustainable ways of solving challenges faced to better their lives and that of others within and beyond the community.

He also urged parents and teachers to keep inspiring the children to use the facility to imbibe the culture of reading and learning among school children to improve their knowledge.

Steve and Susie Portze, partners of VIMA, in their speech disclosed that the Hazel Community Library was to honour her mother who loved to make an impact in the lives of children through reading.

The District Chief Executive for Ho West, Hon. Ernest Victor Apau stated that Government is committed to partnering all stakeholders and projects to complement Government’s effort to better the lives of the people. He also mentioned the opening and graveling of the Saviefe Gbedome road which he noted was in fulfilment of his promise to the community.

For her part the District Director of Education, Mrs. Celestine S.A Korsi-Agordo expressed gratitude to the organization for their contribution towards quality education in the District. She underscored the importance of the library and advised the chief and people not to make the facility a white elephant but to put it to the utmost use as well as maintain it. She was hopeful that with the provision of such facility the school will excel in the BECE examinations.

Mr. Adokpa, who spoke on behalf of the chief and people, was very grateful for the facility and other development projects in the community and promised the library will be properly maintained and put to good use to improve the standard of education in the community.


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