Open Hours: Mon - Fri 8.00 am - 6.00 pm


The Yingor Area Council on Wednesday 8th February 2023 has engaged stakeholders of small-scale businesses within the Yingor Area Council. The purpose of the engagement was to sensitize participants on Assembly’s Fee Fixing Resolution, importance of paying taxe and effective involvement of these identifiable groups in the district.

The stakeholder engagement brought together Palm wine tappers and distillers, chainsaw operators, Akpeteshie Distillers and sellers, Corn Millers and Hon. Assembly Members.

The Chairman of the Yingor Area Council, Hon. Maxwell Borfeli in his welcome address thanked participants for attending the meeting. He noted that the District Assembly has eight Town and Area Councils of which Yingor Area Council is made of four electoral areas namely Saviefe Electoral Area, Dzolo Electoral Area, Akome Electoral Area and Dodome Avexa Electoral Area. He advised them to route payment of their business rates and licences at the Council in order for it to benefit from the 50% ceded revenue to help develop the district. He also urged participants to channel their grievances and possible suggestions to the Council and/or District Assembly for redress.

Speaking at the event, the District Chief Executive, Hon. Ernest Victor Apau said it is the duty of government to continuously engage businesses in the district to enhance effective participation and further encouraged the groups to work in collaboration for the development of the Council. He advised participants to form Associations to enable them to be well recognized in the district and the nation at large. He also outlined activities and projects executed by the Assembly and urged them to pay their rates to enable the Assembly generate revenue for community development.

Mr. Oppong Jonas, an Accountant and Mr. Daniel Sandy Darku, the Revenue Superintendent presented the Fee Fixing resolution to participants. They explained that the rates, permit fees and licences are in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Finance (MoF) and the Ministry of Local Government Decentralization and Rural Development (MLGDRD).

During the open forum, stakeholders appreciated the education given by the officers and urged the Assembly to continuously engage them on such matters.

Madam Evelyn Dzoagbe, an Environmental Health Officer seized the opportunity to educate participants on food hygiene, screening of vendors and other environmental issues.

In attendance were the District Chief Executive, Hon. Ernest Victor Apau, the District Coordinating Director, Mr. Wisdom Kporngor, and staff of the Assembly.

 Source: Information Services Department (ISD), Ho West District


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