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The Ho West District Assembly held a staff durbar on Friday, June 23, 2023, at the District Assembly Hall. The durbar aimed to brief staff on new policy directives from the Office of the Head of the Local Government Service (OHLGS) and to discuss other issues.

In his address, the District Chief Executive of Ho West, Hon. Ernest Victor Apau, spoke about staff punctuality and professionalism at work. He also mentioned that as part of beautifying the Assembly’s environment and enhancing Climate Change resilient, a day would be set aside for staff to assist to plant coconut and/or citrus trees as part of their corporate social responsibility to the Assembly.

The District Coordinating Director, Mr. Wisdom Kporngor, welcomed all staff to the meeting and stated that it was important to inform and explain certain directives from the OHLGS that would contribute to the efficient delivery of services in the district.

Addressing the issues of insubordination and indiscipline, Mr. Kporngor emphasized the importance of maintaining a respectful and disciplined work environment. He reminded staff of the need to follow the chain of command, respect authority, and promote a culture of professionalism.

Regarding absenteeism and lateness to work, he expressed concern about some staff not coming to work, especially on Mondays and Fridays. He urged staff to adhere to their assigned work schedules and to notify their Heads of Department in case of any unforeseen circumstances. He added that punctuality and regular attendance at work are crucial for efficient service delivery.

The District Coordinating Director provided information on study leave in the Local Government Service. He highlighted the criteria and procedures for staff to apply for study leave and also emphasized the importance of continuous learning and professional development.

Regarding the Nationwide Health Insurance Policy, Mr. Kporngor informed staff that a team would visit the Assembly to register interested staff who wanted to join the policy. He urged staff to enroll and take advantage of the services offered. He mentioned that the monthly deduction rate is GH₵30.00, meanwhile, the policy is not compulsory.

Touching on indecent dressing at work, the DCD reminded staff to adhere to the prescribed dress code and present themselves in a manner that upholds the reputation of the District Assembly.

The District Coordinating Director explained that the functionality of the town and area councils is critical to local governance. Therefore, he charged staff assigned to the councils to visit regularly and actively participate in their activities to strengthen the structures.

Mr. Kporngor also informed staff about the new records classification being implemented by the records unit. He urged departments/units that did not have files with the new classification to contact the records unit.

The DCD also briefed staff on the integration of Birth and Death in the Local Government Service, the preparation of the Local Plan Scheme and Spatial Development Framework, GRA Property Rate collection, staff postings, and Audit Infractions, among other topics.

The Human Resource Manager, Mr. Bismark Von Golloh, took the opportunity to introduce three newly recruited staff from the Human Resource Department, Planning and Budget Units to the staff.
There was an open forum session, and all the concerns raised were addressed by the District Coordinating Director.

Source: Information Services Department (ISD), Ho West District


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