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On Friday, 4th March 2022, the Community Water and Sanitation Agency in collaboration with the Ho West District Assembly   introduced the new contractor Messrs WIN-MEG Ventures Limited to the sites and communities to complete the Spanish Debt SWAP projects in Ho West.

The projects which started in 2018 was terminated due to the non-performance of the previous contractor, hence a new contractor has been re-awarded the contract to complete the project in Anyirawase, Kpale Xorse, Saviefe Gbogame and Saviefe Agorkpo. The projects will be delivered within a period of six (6) months.

Addressing the communities visited, Mrs. Antoinette Agboado, the Regional Engineer for Community Water and Sanitation Agency indicated that the aim of the projects is to ensure all people living in the district have access to adequate, safe, affordable, reliable and sustainable water services.

She disclosed that the water supply systems will be managed by the Community Water and Sanitation Agency when completed. She further explained that the concept where the community owns and manages its water facilities have been reformed to professional management due to communities not been able to sustain the management of the water supply. She however added that vendors will be recruited from the communities.

Mrs Agboado stated that as part of the reforms, revenue generated from the water supply systems will be used to support the operation, maintenance and management of the water.  She also appealed to residents not to construct their buildings or kiosks on pipe lines to give way to construction and repair works during and after completion.

The District Chief Executive, Hon. Ernest Victor Apau urged residents of the communities to give the contractor the maximum support to ensure smooth execution of the projects.

The Chiefs and people of the communities visited were very grateful to CWSA and District Assembly for bringing the contractor to site to complete the projects. They however appeal to the contractor to employ local hands where needed to create jobs for the youth.

An open forum was carried out and all questions raised were answered accordingly.

Present at the meeting were the Community Water and Sanitation Agency team, Managing Director of Messrs WIN-MEG Ventures Limited and his site Engineers, staff of the Ho West District Assembly, Hon. Assembly Members, and Chiefs and people of beneficiary communities.


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