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The Ho West District Chief Executive in collaboration with the District Education Directorate on Tuesday 22nd March 2022, launched the Self-learning model, another special initiative by the Hon. DCE to improve upon the quality of education in the District. This is the 6th development initiative by the DCE being implemented to better the lives of the citizens.

In his welcome address, Mr. Maxwell Dagadu, the Awudome Tsito School Improvement Support Officer (SISO) said the coming of the Self-learning model initiative by the DCE is timely and appropriate which will help boost learning among pupils.  He noted that the success of the program will depend upon the effective support from stakeholders. He also pledged their unflinching support towards the program.

In his address, the District Chief Executive, Hon. Ernest Victor Apau was very grateful to the teachers for their good work in ensuring improvements in the standard of education in the district. He noted that the school children are the future, hence it is very critical for them to have a strong educational foundation to help them build a better Ghana.

According to the DCE the self-learning initiative came at the back of a research conducted in 2021 which revealed that a huge number of students in the district have lost interest in learning especially on their own. This situation he stated does not only mar the beauty of their results but also affect their educational progress and career choices.

Explaining the model, the DCE indicated that students from Basic 4 to Junior High School are expected to return to school at 6:00 p.m -7:30 p.m three times a week to study on their own and review topics and equally do their assignments where necessary under the supervision of a volunteer teacher. This policy he disclosed came out after consultations with stakeholders.

The DCE advised parents to ensure their children finish their house chores on time to enable them go to class. He also urged the students to learn hard and become champions so that Ho West will become the leading District in BECE in Ghana.

The District Director of Education, Mrs Celestine S.A Korsi-Agordo indicated that the purpose of launching of the initiative  is to promote learning especially in the evenings to engage school children to enable them make judicious use of their time and also keep them from unnecessary loitering and roaming in their neighbourhood.

She revealed that the model will go through a three-year pilot stage of assessment and evaluation for full scale implementation. She therefore urged all stakeholders in education to get involved and make it a success.

The schools present were Tsito E.P. JHS, Tsito E.P Primary, Tsito Old Basic, Tsito Meth Primary, Tsito Meth JHS, Awusco Model School, Tsito D/A Primary, Borkorvikofe D/A Basic, Dededo D/A Basic, and Tsito R.C Basic.

Miss Akrasi Emmanuella on behalf of the students expressed her gratitude  for the initiative and promised they will learn hard to make Ho West District proud.

Present at the program were the District Chief Executive, District Coordinating Director, District Director of Education, Hon Assembly Members, staff of Ho West District Assembly and Education Service, NPP and NDC Executives, Headmasters, SISOs, teachers, parents and media.


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