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Development Planning

Head of Unit

Ebenezer Nkrumah is a dedicated and self- motivated team player with the ability to seeing things through to completion. He is the Head of Development Planning Unit, Ho West District Assembly.

Ebenezer has extensively been involved in the implementation of development initiatives of the Assembly and other development partners. As the Head of the Development Planning Unit and secretary of the District Planning and Coordinating Unit (DPCU), Ebenezer Assist in the planning, formulation and implementation of development interventions, coordinate and harmonized development policies and programs, prepare medium term development plans, leads the monitoring and evaluation of interventions, among others.

Ebenezer has MSC in Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation from the Kwame Nkrumah Science and Technology (KNUST) and BSC in Development Management from the University for Development Studies (UDS).

Ebenezer is expertise in research and data analysis. He has also participated in several workshops and seminars including Local Economic Development (LED) Public Financial Management (PFM) Public Private Partnership (PPP) Management, Local Participation in project/ programs implementation.

These and other studies have built my capacity and expertise in my field of work as a development planner.

Ebenezer is open to welcome new ideas and willing to learn new skills not only to improve on his work but also to help organizations achieve its purpose of establishment.

The Development Planning Unit is one of the units under the Central Administrative Department of Ho West District Assembly (HWDA).

The Development Planning Unit which also doubles as the Secretariat of the District Planning and Coordinating Unit (DPCU) serves as the technical wing of Ho West District Assembly.

The Local Governance Act 2016 (Act 936) Section 85 mandate the Unit to perform the following functions;

  • Facilitate and coordinate the preparation of development plans of the district
  • Lead the monitoring and evaluation of development policies, programmes and projects in the district
  • Coordinate the implementation of development programmes, projects and activities in the district
  • Coordinate and harmonize operations of Departments and Units of the Assembly, sections and other development partners into single document.
  • Assist the District Assembly to take decisions on matters relating to development of the district
  • Lead in strategic planning, efficient integration and implementation of policies and programmes to achieve sustainable growth and development
  • Compile data that will be of relevance for further decision-making purposes
  • Assist the District Assembly to conduct research into development issues (i.e., Social, Economic, etc.)


The Unit is currently staffed by:

  1. Mr. Ebenezer Nkrumah – Ag. Development Planning Officer
  2. Mr. Joel Kwashie-Kojo Sackey – Assistant Development Planning Officer
  3. Ms. Priscilla Kuadey – Assistant Development Planning Officer
  4. Francisca Cobbah – Assistant Development Officer



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