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The Ho West District Chief Executive (DCE), Hon. Ernest Victor Apau on Wednesday 11th January 2023, visited Dededo D/A Primary as part of observing “My First Day at School”. The day is observed to welcome pupils who are going to school for the first time and those moving from nursery to the primary level.

Accompanying the District Chief Executive were the District Director of Education, Mr. Francis Agbemadi and his team, the District Coordinating Director and some management members from the Assembly.

The DCE in his speech thanked teachers for their hard work to ensure school children in the district get the needed knowledge for their future. He further indicated that government is committed in providing the necessary logistics to ensure quality education. He mentioned the construction of 1 No. 2 Unit Kindergarten classroom block at Dodome Dogblome and Abutia Teti to boost education and also underscore a number of government projects ongoing in the district.

Hon. Apau urged parents not to relent on their effort in ensuring their wards get education. He also advised the pupils to learn hard and take their studies serious.

The District Director of Education, Mr. Francis Agbemadi called on the community to ensure that all parents enroll their school going children into school.

He advised the teachers to resort to positive discipline tool and eschew any form of corporal punishment that could scare the children leading to dropouts. He also admonished them to dress decently and lead exemplary life as children pick good and bad behaviours from the environment.

The Education Director further challenged the teachers not to declare any child hopeless but rather identify their abilities, talent and gifts of the child and tailor their lessons to mold, shape and guide them to become future heroes. He took the opportunity to appeal to SMS, PTA and the entire community to support the school in terms of furniture, desk, etc. to compliment government’s effort.

The Assembly Member for Dededo Elector Area, Hon. Bismark Kamassa called for collaboration and support to ensure that the community progress in education.

The Head teacher of the school, Mr. Daniel Dah, appealed to the Assembly and other stakeholders to stock the school’s computer lab with computers, printers among others to aid effective teaching and learning in the subject as well as fixing the schools broken doors and windows.

The DCE distributed some paraphernalia to the new pupils.

Source: ISD, Ho West District


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