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Acquisition of Road Crossing Permit

What is a Road Crossing Permit?

Answer: A Road Crossing Permit is a written notice/permit issued by Ho West District Feeder

Roads Department of the District Assembly to an individual, a developer and organizations (e.g

Ghana    Water    Company    Limited-GWCL,    Electricity    Company    of    Ghana-ECG    and

Telecommunications Companies such as Vodafone, MTN, AirtelTigo etc) in a prescribed format before carrying out road cutting activities on the road surface and thrust-boring activities under the road surface. This permit includes;

  • Permit to cut the road surface
  • Permit to carrying out thrust-boring under the road surface
  • Permit to reinstate the two road crossing activities above

Who can Apply? any individual or a developer and organization who intends to carry out road crossing activities

How to Apply

Write to the District Feeder Roads Director with details of applicant’s or organization’s name mailing address, telephone number(s), and the name of the road to be cut or thrust-bored, the location of the road and the road surface type.


  • Collect District Feeder Roads Department road crossing and reinstatement application from the Department and fill with details stated on the form.
  • The applicant must therefore provide line diagram of installations in the area of the intended road crossing activity

Processing Procedures

  • The applicant is invited to the Feeder Roads Department of the Ho West District Assembly the following working day after the submission of the request for road crossing permit by telephone call for the inspection of the road(s) intended to be cut or thrust-bored.
  • The Maintenance Road Engineer and his inspection team will visit the site to determine the type of road to be cut or thrust-bored. E.g asphaltic surface road, bituminous surface dressed road, graveled surface road, etc.
  • Maintenance Road engineer and his inspection team will take measurements immediately of the intended area of the road to be cut or thrust-bored and reinstate if the site is suitable for the road crossing activities.
  • The Maintenance Road Engineer after the site inspection and measurements taking recommends to the District Feeder Roads Director for approval the same day.
  • After the approval, the District Feeder Roads Director refers the completed application form and the measurements to both Maintenance Road Engineer and the Contract Manager for the determination of fees within one (1) working day to the paid by the applicant.
  • The applicant is supposed to pay road crossing permit fee to the revenue section of the Ho West District Assembly and the reinstatement of road to be cut or thrust-bored and their supervision fees to be paid to the District Feeder Roads Department’s Accountant.
  • Upon submission of all payment receipts to the District Feeder Roads Director, the permit is issued that very day.

Who should carry out the road crossing activities?

The road crossing and reinstatement have to be undertaken by a classified road contractor, registered with Ministry of Roads and Highways.


  • A duct shall mandatory be placed at road crossing points (thrust-bored or otherwise)
  • Trench shall not be less than 1m in depth
  • Trench shall not be left open for a period of more than two (2) days. Open trenches have to be protected using the necessary safety devices.
  • Backfilling of trenches have to be done using approved materials and compacted appropriately in layers not exceeding 150m depth.


  • Road crossing permit fee charged depends on the type of road surface, e.g asphaltic surface road, bituminous surface dressed road, graveled surface road, etc. Fees are subject to change and regulated by Fee Fixing Resolution adopted by the General Assembly.
  • Fees charged for reinstatement of road to be cut or thrust-bored and its supervision depends on the type of road surface, e.g asphaltic surface road, bituminous surface dressed road, graveled surface road, etc. Fees charged are subject to change due material and labour costs and not regulated by Fee Fixing Resolution adopted by the General Assembly annually

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