Open Hours: Mon - Fri 8.00 am - 6.00 pm

Issuance of Food Vendors/Handlers Certificate

The Ho West District Assembly (Control of Restaurant and eating-Houses) By-laws, requires any person wishing to operate a restaurant or eating house or anyone who engage in the preparation, handling or serving prepared food in any Restaurant or eating house to be medically certified as free from any communicable disease and renew such certification as directed by appropriate medical authority.

Who can apply? All individual or organizations wishing to operate, handle, serve or sell food within the District.

How to Apply

  1. Purchase a medical form from the District Environmental Health Officer at the Assembly.
  2. Submit the medical form to a medical laboratory facility station at the Environmental health unit for medical extermination the same day.
  3. The form will be given to you with the result and two (2) passport size pictures to the District Environmental Health Officer.
  4. When found to be medically fit to handle, prepare, serve or sell food, the certificate is issued the same day.

Please Note:

• Fee charged by the Assembly for issuance of Food Vendors/Handlers Certificate is subject to change and regulated by Fee Fixing Resolution adopted by the General Assembly annually.

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