Open Hours: Mon - Fri 8.00 am - 6.00 pm

Temporal Structure Development Permit

Acquisition of Temporal Structure Development Permit

Who can apply?

Any person or organization who intends to develop a Temporal Structure on road reservation, public open space or acquired land.

How to Apply

Write to the District Chief Executive with details of the applicant’s name, mailing address, telephone contract(s) and intended use of the structure.


  1. Three (3) sets of 2working drawings with Site Plan (Scale 1:1,250 or 1:2,500)
  • Evidence of ownership or letter of consent from landowner or relevant state institution as many as may be applicable.

Processing Procedure

  1. Application is forwarded to District Physical Planning Officer for processing within five (5) days of submission of application.
  • Officers from District Physical Planning and Works Departments inspect the site with the developer to confirm the site as shown on the site plan and its suitability for the proposed development within ten (10) working days of submission of application.
  • The inspection team makes appropriate recommendations to approve or reject the application within five (5) working days of site inspection.
  • Pay approved temporal structure permit fee at the Revenue office and submit the receipt to Development Control Officer.
  • Approved application id forwarded to the following officers for their signature:

i.        District Physical Planning Officer ii. District Environmental Health Officer iii. District Works Engineer

Collection of Permit

Collect your Development Permit from the Works Engineer’s office one (1) month after submission of application.

Please Note:

  • Temporal Structure Permit is valid for six (6) months and subject to renewal. In some cases, validity is twelve calendar months (a year) e.g ATM sites.
  • Development must conform to the approved temporal structure permit.
  • Temporal structure permit can be obtained within the stipulated time subject to suitability of location for intended purpose, proper title to land and standard drawings.
  • Fees charge are subject to change and regulated by fee fixing resolution adopted by the General Assembly annually

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